1. Label the emotions of your child

Children need to understand how they feel. You can help your child by putting a name on its emotions—at least your child’s emotion.

You can say, “It just looks like you are outraged right now when your child is upset that he’s lost a game. Is it okay?” If they look sad, you could say, “We’re not going to visit Grandma or Grandpa now. Are you disappointed?”

kids can build up the vocabulary to express feelings by emotionally saying words like “angry,” “upset,” “shy,” or “painful”. Remember also to share positive words like ‘joy,’ ‘excited,’ ‘thrilled,’ and ‘hopeful.’

2. Show Empathy

It can be tempting to minimize how your child feels when upset, especially when your emotions look a bit dramatic. However, your child will learn from negative comments that the way he feels is incorrect.

A better approach is to validate and empathize with their feelings — even if you don’t understand why they are so upset is showing empathy in your sentences such as;

“I feel upset when I cannot do what I want.”

When your kid weeps because you told them that they couldn’t go to the park until they clear up their room.” Sometimes it’s challenging to continue working even if I don’t want it.”

When your child sees you understand how they feel inside them, they will feel less obliged to show you how their behavior makes them feel. So, instead of screaming and crying to show you that they are angry, they will feel better if you have demonstrated that they are upset.

3. Model suitable expressive feelings Model

Children must know how to express their emotions socially. So “My feelings are hurt,” or drawing a photo of a sad face might be helpful, and it’s not okay to scream and throw things.

Your child is best taught how to express feelings by shaping these skills himself.

Practice and speak with feeling words in your daily conversation. For example, tell things such as: “I’m upset when I see kids in the playground being mean,” or “I’m happy to get our friends to have dinner.”

Studies show emotionally intelligent parents have emotionally intelligent children more likely. Therefore, make it a practice to focus clearly on building your skills so that your child can play an effective role model.

4. Teach healthy skills in coping

When children understand their emotions, they must learn to deal healthily with these emotions. It can be complicated for younger people to calm down, cheer up, or face their fears.

Teach skills in particular. For example, when you are angry to calm your body, it could help your child learn how to take a few deep breaths. A child-friendly way of teaching you to take “bubble breaths,” to blow through your nose, and to blow through the mouth, as if it blows through a bubble wall.

You can also help a kit to help your child control their feelings. A coloring book, a favorite joke book, soothing music, and good-scented lotions are several objects that can help your senses and emotions to calm. In a special box, put the items that they adorn. Then, as soon as they’re upset, remind them to use their tools to manage their emotions.

5. Develop skills for problem-solving

Emotional intelligence builds on learning how problems are solved. It is time to work out how the problem itself is fixed after feelings have been marked and addressed.

Your child may be angry that your sister continues to interrupt her while playing a video game. Help them find at least five ways of solving this problem. There must be no good ideas for solutions. At first, the aim is to brainstorm ideas.

Once at least five possible solutions have been identified, help them assess each other’s advantages and disadvantages. Then, please encourage them to choose the best choice.

When your child makes mistakes, do what it could and what it could do to solve any persistent problems. Try to be a coach instead of a problem solver. Guide if needed, but work to make sure your child can solve problems in peace and efficiency by himself.

6. Make the ongoing goal of emotional intellect

Regardless of your child’s emotional cleverness, improvement is always available. Throughout childhood and adolescence, there are also some ups and downs. As they get older, they will probably face barriers to their abilities. Make it an objective to include skill-building in your daily lives. Talk about feelings every day when your child is young.

Talking about characters’ emotions may be felt in books or films. For example, discuss better ways to solve problems or use characters’ strategies to treat others with respect.

Talk about real situations when your child gets older, whether they find things in their daily lives or a problem about which you read the news. Make it a continuous discussion.

Use the mistakes of your child as opportunities for improvement. For example, take time to talk about how to do better in the future if you act because they are angry or because you hurt someone’s feelings. Your child can develop the emotional intelligence and strength to succeed in your life with continuous support and guidance.

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